Introductions of SCIENCE.

Hello Friends, from today we are going to start discussing about Physics. This is my very first post so, if anything goes wrong please let me know..

The word ‘Science, has come from a Latin word 'Scientia', which means "To Know".
Science is a method of  investigating nature- a way of knowing about nature –that discovers reliable knowledge about it. In other words, science is a method of  discovering  reliable  knowledge about nature.

As we know that science has mainly three types .

  1. Physics
  2. Chemistry
  3. Biology

Friends let’s define all categories of science which are given above. 

PHYSICS-Physics is the branch of science dealing with the nature and natural phenomena.

CHEMISTRY-The branch of Science concerned with the substances of which matter is composed, the investigation of their properties and reactions, and the use or such reactions to form new substances.

BIOLOGY-The study of living organisms, divided into many specialized fields that cover their, morphology, physiology, anatomy, behavior, origin, and distribution.

Science is not merely a collection of facts, concepts, and useful ideas about nature , or even systematic investigating nature, although both are common definitions of science. 
Science is a method of investigating nature- a way of knowing about nature –that discovers reliable knowledge about it. In other words, science is a method of  discovering  reliable  knowledge about nature .there are other methods of discovering and learning knowledge  about nature (these other knowledge methods or systems will be  discussed below in contradistinction  to science), but science is the only method that results in the acquisition of reliable knowledge.

There is a question Why we study science?
we know that there is lot of things happening in our world like strom, Thunder, Earthquake, Asteroid, interaction between different planets, Stars, wind, any chemical compound, any element, our life cycle, our environment e.t.c. Everything that comes under science, and this the main reason why people want to learn science. We can get all these information by the help of science. Or in other words we can say that –“Understand the world around them and their role in that worlds. Understand the role of Science plays in our society. Develop skills of planning and conducting investigations, gathering information, team work and evaluating their findings. Act responsibly using scientific equipment and applying scientific knowledge”.
         “Time is a Drug. Too much of it kills you:- Terry Pratchett
                                                 Thank you(Sashi Kant)


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